Business Units
The Foundation SPI has six business units (Geschäftsbereiche) in Berlin and in the state of Brandenburg. Learn more about our areas of activity and learn more about our core issues & projects.
Vocational Schools, Qualification & Professionalization
Bundled skills for professional training: The foundation consists of the Vocational School for Eldercare, the Nursing School, the Technical Universities for Social Pedagogy and the Technical School for Therapeutic Pedagogy. A variety of advanced training options for specialists in social services and health care and for cultural education round out the range of services. more
Health, Living & Employment

The business unit Health, Living & Employment of the SPI Foundation is a practical care provider for Berlin. For over twenty years it has focused on developing community-based integrative and networked addiction care systems. Its addiction care and living projects are organised by district and are oriented towards youth and ... more
Living Situations, Diversity & Urban Development

Rethink. Take part. Act. Life in the multifarious city: the projects of the business unit Living Situations, Diversity & Urban Development (Geschäftsbereich Lebenslagen, Vielfalt & Stadtentwicklung) supports children, youth and families whose lives play out in the community of the city – diverse, multi-layered and ... more
Strategies for Social Integration

The Foundation SPI supports federal and state ministries in the development and implementation of subsidy programmes. Programme agencies and service offices secure the targeted and efficient implementation of such programmes and contribute to sustainably securing effective results and refining the conceptualisation of such projects. more