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Name and legal form of the legal entity

Foundation SPI, Social Pedagogical Institute Berlin »Walter May«. Philanthropic Foundation under civil law, headquartered in Berlin.

Authorised representative

Stiftung SPI
Annette Berg (Director/Chair of the Board)
Seestraße 67 Location map
13347 Berlin

Telephone: +49 30 4597930
Fax: +49 30 45979366
Email: info(at)stiftung-spi.de

Competent supervisory authority

Recognised by the Senate Administration for Justice. It is subject to the Berlin Foundations Act and the Foundation Oversight Committee of Berlin.

Register information

Foundation No. 3416/416/2

Sales Tax-Identification No.


Name and address of the person responsible

Stiftung SPI
Annette Berg (Director/Chair of the Board)
Seestraße 67
13347 Berlin

Telephone: +49 30 459793-0
Fax: +49 30 459793-66
E-mail: info(at)stiftung-spi.de

Concept, design, development, consulting, support

wilhelm innovative medien GmbH
Web: www.wiminno.com
E-mail: info(at)wiminno.com

E-Mail: info(at)stiftung-spi.de Phone: 030 459793-0