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Strategies for Social Integration

The Foundation SPI consults with and supports the business unit Strategies in the matter of social integration, assisting national and state ministries in the development and implementation of subsidy programmes in accord with the purpose of the foundation itself: to fight social isolation, support acquisition of job skills for the future, enhancing personal responsibility and social engagement.

The concepts and programmes in European, national, regional and local contexts are always based on sustainable strategies for action, i.e. on coordinating and linking already existing services as well as the participation of all relevant actors.

Concepts for the improvement of education for pedagogical specialists and the quality of early childhood education and promoting language development in childcare facilities should enable all children to participate effectively in society and have the same educational opportunities from the start.

Programmes for supporting disadvantaged youth aim to overcome problem social situations and offer assistance in realising a self-determined life and access to education and the job market.  

Projects for the support of parents and families especially those in precarious living situations and poor backgrounds have preventative effects with respect to the origin of multi-layered problems and facilitate social participation.  

Measures for the improvement of equality of opportunity with respect to shaping work and professional life and promoting the equality of men and women.

Among the services provided by the Foundation SPI are consulting and supervision of recipients of funding in the implementation of the various funding programmes as well as the efficient management of funds with the objective of assuring that the funds are used for the correct purposes and in conformity with allocation criterion.

The Foundation SPI provides its clients assessments that are based on a database supported monitoring system and its accompanying process evaluation for the purpose of refining of concepts and management of the direction of funding.

With the transfer of professional knowledge and experience gleaned from the numerous state and national programmes, the Foundation SPI contributes to identifying the gaps and needs in the various fields of action and refining political strategies for action in the implementation of processes in social formation and participation.


Christoph Schwamborn (Management)
Dr. Sarah Meier (Substitute Management)


Stiftung SPI
Geschäftsbereich Strategien sozialer Integration
Alexanderstraße 1 Location map
10178 Berlin

Telephone: +49 30 390634-60
Fax: +49 30 390634-80
E-Mail: soziale.integration(at)stiftung-spi.de

E-Mail: info(at)stiftung-spi.de Phone: 030 459793-0